Maximize employee engagement with easily accessible self-service content. Free HR staff to focus on strategic business activities instead of administrative tasks.
Employees can create HR requests from Slack or Microsoft Teams with Assist AI. Intelligently route these requests to the right channel for quick response and resolution. Employees can track the requests they’ve raised without leaving the app.
Ensure consistency in the way in which your HR processes are practiced across your organization. A thorough audit log helps to maintain business process compliance.
Automate everyday actions with a powerful workflow builder. Set as many SLA policies as needed to keep track of deadlines based on elapsed time or request nature.
Monitor and optimize your HR team’s efforts with actionable reports and dashboards. Track key performance indicators like FCR% (First Call Resolution), Average Time to Closure, Average Response Time, etc.
Personalize every little detail – be it applying your brand logo, changing the app name, or even picking the emoji to transform messages into tickets.
Modern HR teams use Assist AI for everyday HR operations such as:
Data Access
and Approvals
Vacation and
leave requests
People and Event
Employee Satisfaction
and Benefits
Assist AI is part of the larger family of Customer Support, Workflow Automation, and Business Intelligence products from HappyFox. Though it works wonders alone, it is compelling when combined with HappyFox Help Desk, Workflows, and BI.
Get a one-on-one demo from our product experts, tailored to your business needs.